The man himself Peter Van Hoesen will be playing for our Meat Free party this Saturday, December 3rd, alongside Steffi, Virginia, and the Zenker Brothers. We can’t wait! And we hope you enjoy our interview with him 🙂
Can you talk to us a bit about the Terrene Project with Heleen Blanken – it sounds quite surreal! Is this the first time you’ve done something like this? How would you describe it?
It’s not the first time for me to collaborate with an artist from another discipline, so I was fairly familiar with the process. In the past I’ve collaborated with choreographers, visuals artists, theatre makers, …. Heleen I first met when I was invited to play at the now-closed Trouw club in Amsterdam, several years ago. That night she wrapped the entire club in these fantastic, organic visuals. Since then I’ve been a fan of her work, so it was an easy decision to start working together on her installation. We came to the end result quite fast, this is always a good sign for me, as it means everyone involved is on the same wavelength. I think Terrene has a lot of potential, I am very curious to see how it will develop in the future.
In an interview with Inverted Audio you mention that ‘from a practical perspective I never had anybody who showed me how to do things, I learned everything myself. I attended several years of music academy, but that did not really do much for me.’ I find this absolutely amazing, your music is so nuanced and sonically excellent. What’s your secret to becoming so good, and being self-taught? How long did you work at music before you started getting a sound you were really happy with? And is there any advice you’d give to budding producers?
take your time, don’t stress, don’t be lead by other motives than just the love for music. And read books and articles. A lot. I learned so much from reading.
You’ve got a new Sendai album in the pipeline (December 9th) – this is exciting! Did you think when you started that your partnership that it would be so fruitful? And do you think that the collaboration with Yves enables you to have a different approach in the studio, is there a certain dynamic that you both fall into?
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